Delight in Traditional Pubs and
Attractions in Torquay, Devon

When you stay at The Heritage Hotel, you are ideally situated to sample some of the varied nightlife and local attractions including traditional pubs that are on offer in Torquay, Devon. If you are ready to book your stay with us or would like us to call you back for free, contact us today and one of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.

Plenty to Offer

Torquay is a rapidly expanding and buzzing place with plenty to offer visitors that are looking to enjoy themselves. New venues are continuously opening with the relaxed continental feel that makes the whole area proud of its name and reputation as the centre of the English Riviera.

Boasting a Variety of Attractions

With ample parking and easy access to the town centre, you can walk to many of the local attractions includingrestaurants, casinos, and high street shops in Torquay. Our very own Appleby's bar and restaurant also offers excellent choice of food and drinks. Torquay town has its fair share of clubs and pubs, offering suitable venues for everyone. You are able to delight in a wide range of nightlife, including:s
Themed Bars - Nightclubs - Dance Clubs Open Until Late - Continental Cafe Culture - Traditional Pubs Steeped With History and Character

CONTACT US for more information about local attractions including traditional pubs in Torquay, Devon.